Whitmore-Bolles News

Calling All Parents!


We are excited to offer parents the opportunity to participate as active members of our school improvement process. We are in need of parent feedback and suggestions to evaluate our progress and plan for continued success. In order to help with a decision to participate, here is some information:

Our building’s steering committee has the following responsibilities:
make recommendations to the school community about the School Improvement Plan, revise and manage the school’s Title I plan, represent the school community at district committee meetings, plan and facilitate professional learning community meetings (late starts and collaboration times).

As a parent representative, we are hoping that you would be able to commit to the following responsibilities:
attend scheduled meetings, use attendance at the meetings to learn more about the school and district curriculum and plans provide honest feedback and suggestions to the committee from a parent’s perspective, share information or collect feedback (as determined at meetings) with/from other parents, and participate in school improvement visitations for our school.

Please know that it is our intention to have two (2) or more parent representatives so that the obligation is not overwhelming for one or two people. You could choose to attend/work collaboratively or to alternate your involvement, depending on your availability.

I hope that you will sincerely consider your participation on this committee. Our school community relies on the teamwork of staff and families in order to succeed. Please take some time to think about this possibility. We would appreciate if you could respond to indicate your level of interest by emailing Mrs. Waddell waddelk@dearbornschools.org as soon as possible.

This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to be involved and supportive of our school’s initiatives. We hope to hear from you soon!