Whitmore-Bolles News

Chess Team starts January 26th for 3rd-5th grade students!

Below are the Chess Team Permission Slip & Commitment Form.  If your child is interested in participating in Chess, please fill out and return with payment to the main office as soon as possible.  Please direct any questions to Mr. May at mayd@dearbornschools.org.

Winter 2016


WHERE: Mr. May’s room, 213

START DATE: January 26th, 2016

TIME: 3:45pm


Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:45 – 4:45 pm (January 26 – March 10)

The cost is $25. The chess team is open to any third thru fifth grade student. Payment should be made by check to Ms. Shannon in the office. Please make checks payable to Whitmore Bolles Elementary. All team payments need to be in by February 4th. *Please know the team fee should not exclude anyone who wishes to play chess. If payment is a problem please see Mr. May immediately.


I will work hard, show respect to my teammates, and strive to help my team grow. I also understand that my school work comes first and completion of all homework and class assignments is the number one priority.

__________________ ________________ _________ _____________

Student’s Name Student’s Signature Date Grade/Teacher


I give permission for my child to practice and complete on the Whitmore Chess Team. I understand that there will be a cost of $25*. I commit to making sure my child attends practices for the full time, and will pick up (or arrange other transportation for) my child from practices promptly at 4:30. I also understand that my child’s school work comes first and completion of all homework and class assignments is the number one priority. If at any time homework is missed or neglected I understand my child will be asked not to attend team practices or matches until all missing assignments are made up. As well, classroom behavior will be the barometer on whether my child is able to attend away matches.

_______________________ _______________________ __________

Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature Date

_______________________ _______________________ __________

Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature Date


Revised Chess Permission Slip_2016 (2)