You may have heard about the Battle of the Books from your classroom teacher. Permission slips and payments were due today, but we would like to extend the invitation until Tuesday. Tuesday morning will be the first time the team meets for practice! It’s not too late to join the WB TEAM!
Battle of the Books is something new at Whitmore-Bolles. This activity is open to students in grades 3-5. The students will meet once a week and read books. The children’s participation in the reading of the books will end in a friendly competition between teams of students to test their knowledge of the books. The team that answers the most questions correct will win the competition. The competition will be in a game style format.
This is an AWESOME opportunity for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders! Please consider joining us on Tuesday. Don’t forget to download, print, and complete the permission slip: Battle of the Books Permission Slip