Blessings in a Backpack provides food for elementary school children across America who may otherwise have little or no food to eat on the weekends during the school year. Better test scores, improved reading skills, positive behavior, improved health and increased attendance have all been attributed to the success of this program. There are currently five Dearborn Public elementary schools participating in this program – including Whitmore Bolles Elementary.
The program could not be successful without the help of volunteers. One great way to volunteer is to help us pack the backpacks! Below are the dates that we need families to volunteer in order to pack the bags after school. All packing occurs at 4:00 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church, located at Cherry Hill and Military.
Please send an email to Katharine Johnston (johnstk@dearbornschools.org) in order to sign up to volunteer. We would like 5-8 volunteers per volunteer date.
Thank you, in advance, for your participation and support!