Whitmore Bolles, located at 21501 Whitmore, will host a one hour class for parents and their child aged 6 month to 4 years of age (and not currently enrolled in GSRP). The classes provide interactive, parent child activities listed below. The classes will be held on the third Friday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Free resources will be provided!
If you are interested, please call 313-827-6800 to register for the event.
October 21 Science
Science builds on children’s natural sense of wonder. Children are active learners in their environment as they observe, question, predict, and draw conclusions using all five senses. Adults need to model positive attitudes towards science as they encourage their children to become aware and practice skills that foster scientific thinking.
November 18 Music & Movement
Music and movement are a natural occurrence for young children. From being soothed by a lullaby to singing a favorite rhyme or song, music allows children to express their feelings. With or without music, children explore moving their whole bodies or parts of their body throughout their daily routine.
December 16 Literacy
Literacy begins at birth through the infant’s ability to communicate his/her needs with babbles and coos that develop into words. In the following years, children emerge as language users and develop competence as listeners, speakers, readers, and writers. These skills are encouraged and developed through their environment and literacy experiences which include conversations, symbols, word games, songs, chants and stories.
January 20 Math
Math is more than just numbers and counting. Math in early childhood is about exploration in their daily lives and environment, and the connections children make through those experiences. Through play with materials like puzzles, nesting cups, blocks, dice, and other objects children are learning foundational concepts that will help develop the attitudes, skills, and knowledge necessary for later proficiency in mathematics.
February 17 Screen Time & Technology
Screen time and technology are in every part of our lives. Technology can support and extend a child’s learning if guided by adults who understand that media time should never dominate the learning environment or replace direct experiences with others.
March 17 Social/Emotional Development
Social, emotional and physical health set the foundation for lifelong learning. Development in this area is equally, if not more important, than early academics in determining school readiness. Encouraging interactions, building relationships, and providing play opportunities are crucial components in creating the necessary connections for establishing independence, sense of community, moral development and conflict resolution.
April 21 Dental Care
Dental care in young children is important as it affects dental issues throughout their lives. The Center for Disease Control reports that more than 40% of children have tooth decay by the time they reach kindergarten. Unfortunately, dental problems, if not treated, can lead to the inability to chew or speak properly.
May 19 Health and Nutrition
Nutrition and health habits begin at birth, and are necessary for a life-long, healthy life style. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables daily gives children the energy needed to grow, learn, and move. Additionally, supporting children in carrying out personal care and self help skills is important to build confidence and independence.
Please feel free to share this information with your Dearborn neighbors!