Dear Whitmore,
Check out our door decorations for March is Reading Month! Each classroom decorated the front of their classroom door as one of their class’s favorite books that has a character portrayed as a hero. Each one included one or more of the 7 Habits. They all look GREAT, way to GO!!!!
- The Very Busy Spider Mrs. Schuit’s ECSE Classroom
- Little Cloud Mrs. Shaw’s ECSE Classroom
- Fox In The Socks Mrs. Diaz’s ECSE Preschool
- The Grouchy Ladybug Mrs. Walters ASD classroom
- Scaredy Squirrel Mrs. Sydor ASD Classroom
- The Little Old Lady Who Is Not Afraid Of Anything Mrs. Croft’s Young 5s
- Thunder Boy Jr. Mrs. Coleman’s Kindergarten
- I’m Fun, Too! Mrs. Pung’s Kindergarten
- Mrs. Dmitruchina’s 1st grade
- Mrts. Assenmacher’s 1st Grade
- Spiderman-Theme Mrs. Malone’s 2nd Grade
- Stone Soup Mrs. Woolley’s 2nd Grade
- Spaghetti In A Hotdog Bun Mrs. Hill’s 3rd Grade
- My Hero Dad, My Hero Mom Mrs. Travis’s 3rd Grade
- Wonder Mrs. Philpott’s 4th grade
- Hoot Ms. Tatta’s 4th Grade
- Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon Mrs. Bennett’s 5th Grade
- Esperanza Rising Mrs. McCuaig’s 5th grade
- Pete The Cat Mrs. Webber Music
- We Think Like Scientists Mrs. Fleming, Science Enrichment
- Tomie Found His Voice When He Is Doing Art Mr. Cares Art