Whitmore-Bolles News

Building Access Update

Good Evening Whitmore Families,

With all that is going on around us, I am grateful for a community that has been so supportive and understanding.

During these unprecedented times, we continue to work on ensuring that safety is our first priority. The contracted company that performed the thorough cleaning of our building finished their work this afternoon, providing the green light for us to open our doors for families and staff to gather any personal items or school materials that may be needed during the mandated closure. The school will be open limited hours a few days next week for families to come into the building.

Mike Lowe and I will be available on Monday, March 16 from 12:00-3:00 pm and Tuesday, March 17 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm for families to gather items. We ask that you please bring a bag from home to collect the items, unfortunately we will not have any available. Medications stored in the office will also be available for pick up if they are needed over the closure.

Teachers will be in contact with all their families to communicate how learning can be continued outside the classroom walls.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay healthy!

Mrs. Waddell