Whitmore-Bolles News


Now is the time for annual PTA board member elections. Board members are elected for one term only and therefore must be voted in annually. Considering the current state of at home education and lack of face to face meeting with parents and family members, we would like to reach out here to anyone interested in joining the board next year or in nominating fellow parents. 
In order for the new board members to be prepared for the upcoming year, it is necessary to allow for their induction and education in the responsibilities of the board as a whole and teach every board member the requirements of their individual position. You do not need to be a member to nominate but you will need to be a member to vote.
Current positions include (but are not limited to): President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer 
Anyone interested in these positions, making a nomination, or – in a situation where these chairs fill up – in creating new chairs may contact us at WBollesPTA@gmail.com or via Facebook on the Whitmore-Bolles PTA page. We will take nominations through the weeks of May 25th and June 1st, and the election will be held electronically on June 5th with results being announced Monday June 8th, as the new chairs assume their duties starting on that day.  2019-20 and 2020-21 board members will work together over the summer to guarantee success of the board and continuation of its mission. 
Thank you for your assistance in making your PTA the best it can be! 💙🦅