Whitmore-Bolles News

Picture Day Retakes

Hercules Middle School / Homepage

Greetings Whitmore Families!

We will have the following picture makeup day for any student who was not here on the previous days, and for any student would like their picture retaken…

Wednesday, May 19th from 1:30-3:30 pm

We understand that this date is a Wednesday (when students are virtual), however, it is the only date that we could secure and we believe we can make it work for those interested.

Here is how it will work~Our Lifetouch photographer will be set up in the auditorium. Students will enter from the parking lot doors on a first-come-first-served basis by school staff. We just ask that everyone follows social distancing and mask requirements. Parents will need to email teachers to notify them of their child’s photo retake participation and there will not be a penalty for missing any class time.

Please email Mrs. Waddell with any questions waddelk@dearbornschools.org