Dear Parents and Community Members:
At Whitmore-Bolles Elementary we are always looking for ways to have a positive impact on our students and our community outside the classroom. On May 4, 2022 we will celebrate Bike & Roll to School Day with thousands of other schools throughout the nation.
Bike & Roll to School Day was established after the overwhelming success of Walk to School Day, which has been an annual international event since 1997. Bike to School Day is a great way to bring together school and community leaders to encourage more walkable and bikeable communities.
While walking to school was commonplace just a generation ago, traffic jams around schools are now the norm. Students are losing an opportunity for regular physical activity that is good for their health by riding to school in cars. On Bike to School Day, students have a special opportunity to celebrate the fun of walking and biking.
Please join students, parents and community members for our school’s Bike to School Day. See you Wednesday!