The M-STEP is coming! Testing for the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress will begin Monday, April 10th, starting with our 3rd Graders. Students in grades 3-5 will be tested.
Please note the following testing dates and subject areas that will be tested on those days:
Third Grade Students:
ELA: Tuesday, 4/11 & Wednesday, 4/12
Math: Thursday, 4/13 & Friday, 4/14
Fourth Grade Students:
ELA: Wednesday, 4/26 & Thursday, 4/27
Math: Tuesday, 4/18 & Wednesday, 4/19
Fifth Grade Students:
Science: Tuesday, 4/25
ELA: Wednesday, 5/3 & Thursday, 5/4
Math: Wednesday, 4/26 & Thursday, 4/27
Social Studies: Tuesday, 5/2
It is very important that your child is at school on the above dates to take the M-STEP test. However, if your child misses any of the following dates due to illness or an emergency, the test will be administered on another day before May 19. Students will not be allowed to take any part of the test after May 19, 2023.
Listed below are some helpful ideas for parents to use during this year’s testing window or for any testing situation in the future.
Preparing for Testing
- Note test dates on your home calendar; schedule appointments on non-testing days.
- Encourage your child to take responsibility for doing their best on the test.
- Help your child learn how to find information independently.
- Praise your child for work done well.
- Encourage your child to ask questions at home and in class.
- Gather available test preparation materials.
- Assure your child knows that you value a good education.
Testing Day
- See that your child is well rested and eats breakfast.
- See that your child arrives at school on time and is relaxed.
- Encourage your child to do the best work possible.
- Do not remove your child from school on test days for appointments.
- See that your child eats healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables (the brain needs natural sugar to function i.e. berries, apples, pears, grapes, raisins, etc.)
- See that your child drinks 6-8 oz. of water (water helps move the natural sugar and oxygen to the brain faster)
Students may experience anxiety about tests and may experience heightened anxiety before a testing situation. A certain degree of test anxiety is normal and may help students prepare more effectively, work more efficiently, and remain focused during testing. Too much anxiety, however, can negatively affect performance. The following strategies may assist students and parents in reducing test anxiety.
Parent Strategies for Reducing Test Anxiety
- Discuss the test openly and in a positive way.
- Have realistic expectations of your child’s performance while encouraging his/her best efforts.
- Emphasize that the test is only one measure of academic performance.
- Emphasize that test scores do not determine a person’s worth.
Please contact the school with any questions regarding M-STEP testing.
Thank you so much for your assistance in making this testing a success for our students!