Whitmore-Bolles News

Student Leadership Opportunity: ShutterBug Team

As we create the Whitmore-Bolles ShutterBug Team, six students will be selected to serve as photographers for our school. Interested students should complete an application and submit it to Mrs. Borrello by Monday, February 22nd. Mrs. Borrello can be found in room 208, or you can leave your application in her mailbox. The applications are located in the Application Station, across from the computer lab.


The ShutterBug Team is looking for:

2 students from kindergarten or first grade

2 students from second grade or third grade

2 students from fourth grade or fifth grade


The team will go through a series of digital photography classes in preparation for their role as a ShutterBug. Classes will take place before school, starting at 8am, so as not to conflict with after school activities. ShutterBugs will be responsible for school cameras, respectfully documenting events, and will collaborate with a partner. Our ShutterBugs are expected to be prompt when arriving to classes and events and notify Mrs. Borrello ahead of time if they are not able to fulfill their responsibilities.


Student photography will be used to publicize the great things happening at Whitmore-Bolles and to document our journey with 7 Habits and The Leader in Me. Students may be assigned ShutterBug duties outside the school day (with parent permission). Parental consent on the application acknowledges student participation during the school day.


Selected applicants will be granted an interview during the week of February 22nd. Applicants will be notified about the status of the application, through letter on February 26th. The ShutterBug Team will be announced on February 29th.

Student Instructions: Please read the application carefully and answer the questions completely. K-1 students may have parent help to complete the questions. 2-5 students must complete the questions independently. Your parent or guardian must sign this application before you submit it to Mrs. Borrello. Return the completed form to Mrs. Borrello by 11:30am on Monday, February 22nd. Late applications will not be accepted.

Download application here: ShutterBugApplication