Whitmore-Bolles News

Valet Service Now Offered

Whitmore Families, we are going to try something new…

Starting on Monday, March 18th the drop-off line in the front parking lot will be offering a new service to those families of Y5s-5th grade wishing to drop their children off safely for the school day. Similar to a valet service, we will have both staff and safety leaders availible to escort your child from your vehicle in the drop-off lane to their designated class line in the back of the school. We are hoping this service will help families begin their busy day more efficiantly and alleviate some of the parking lot concerns.

Starting at 8:25 a.m., staff members will be present at the entrance to the parking lot to maintain a constant traffic flow in the drop-off lane. Vehicles will then be able to pull up to the west sidewalk entrance of the school to let their student(s) out of the vehicle. There will also be a staff member present to assisst students out of the cars. Upon exiting, children will be escorted by staff and student safety leaders.

We are also working on creating an effective and efficient pick-up procedure as well. More information to come home with students next week.

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