Whitmore-Bolles News

Instrumental Music Spring Concert, Tuesday April 30th!

Dear Whitmore Families,

When: The Instrumental Music Spring Concert will be held on Tuesday April 30th. The concert starts at 6:30pm. Student should arrive at O.L. Smith by no later than 6:15pm.  The concert will last around an hour.

Who:  This performance is for the Whitmore-Bolles, DuVall, and Long Elementary Instrumental Music Program.  This concert will also include the O.L. Smith Middle School Band and Orchestra program.

Where: This event will take place in the auditorium at O.L. Smith Middle School.  When students arrive they should head to room 53 where they will get their instruments together and warm-up.

What:  The items that the students should bring with them should include their instrument and music.  They should be dressed in nice clothing.  They should not wear sweat pants, pajama pants, pants that are holy or worn jeans, and t-shirts or anything like a t-shirt.  They should also wear a nice pair of shoes.

Why:  This important event is a nice way to show parents, siblings, and other family members along with teachers and administration how much work and effort these performers put into making this beautiful music come alive.  Please feel free to invite any and all friends and family to witness beautiful performances from all performing music groups from the elementary schools and O.L. Smith Middle School.

Please feel free to email me at wolffa@dearbornschools.org if you have any questions or concerns.


Mr. Andrew Wolff