Our Mission
The community of Whitmore-Bolles will welcome all respectfully, challenge its learners to meet their hidden potential, and become the best leaders they can be.
Our Vision
Leading for Life Exceeding Potential Acquiring Greatness Dreaming Big

Our Points of Pride:
Early Childhood Programs: Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP), All-Day Kindergarten, Parent and Child Kindergarten Orientation (Round-Up)
Curriculum-Focused Opportunities: Free Tutoring, Family Curriculum Fun Nights, Green School (Environmental Awareness), School-wide Community Service Projects, Fifth Grade Camp, K-5 Science Enrichment Class, Science Fair, March is Reading Month Celebrations
Kids’ Club: Before- and After-School Child Care
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: School-wide PBIS Protocol, Monthly Town Hall Meetings, Peer-Mediation, Anti-Bullying Student Group, Teacher-Student Mentoring Program
High-Interest Opportunities: Running Club, Art Club, Talent Show, Jump Rope for Heart, Mini-Martian Marathon, Vocal & Instrumental Music, Book Buddies, ACES Participant (All Children Exercise Simultaneously), Field Day
Volunteer Opportunities for Parents: Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students), Motor Moms & Dads, PTA Events, Walking School Bus, Classroom Helpers, Field Trips, and more!