Whitmore-Bolles News

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.



Yearbooks are here! If you pre-ordered a yearbook, they will be sent home with students today and tomorrow from their classroom teacher If you did not have a chance to pre-order a yearbook they will be for sale everyday this week in the main office. Yearbooks are $15...

Parents needed for Interview Committee

The parent and staff committee interviews for the Special Education Coordinator position will be held on Thursday June 22, 2023 from 9am until 3pm at 18700 Audette Street in the Human Resources office of the Administrative Service Center. Please email Executive...

Late Start; 5/17

Late Start; 5/17

Tomorrow, Wednesday, 5/17 is a Late Start day. Breakfast begins at 9:35 AM (Main Office doors). Please do not drop your child off earlier than 9:35 AM, as adult supervision is not available. The first bell rings at 9:55 AM with the tardy bell at 10:00 AM. Students...

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8th-May 12th marks Teacher Appreciation Week!! The week's activities are posted on the back of the monthly calendar. We are also providing a potluck for the teachers on Friday the 12th. Please sign up for donations...

Project ACES; 5/3

Project ACES; 5/3

All Children Exercise Simultaneously Day (ACES) takes place on the first Wednesday in May at 10AM. Since1989, millions of children from all over the world exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits on this day. All students will be participating in...

Walk for Austim; Moved INSIDE

Walk for Austim; Moved INSIDE

Greetings Whitmore Families,Our Walk for Autism will be moved INSIDE due to the weather. Parents are still welcome to join us lined up in the hallway... not in classrooms. Doors will open at 2:30PM. Popsicles will be sold at lunch! See you then!

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

Whitmore-Bolles Elementary
21501 Whitmore St
Dearborn, MI 48124
Phone: 313-827-6800
Attendance: 313-827-6801
Fax: 313-827-6805

School Start and End Times: First Bell at 8:55 a.m. with Tardy Bell at 9:00 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. | 1/2 day ending at 12:05 p.m. | Early Release on Tuesdays at 2:25 p.m. (starting 9/3/2024)

FIrst Bell District News

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