School Safety Procedures
Elementary School Start and End times 9:00 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. | 1/2 day ending at 12:05 p.m. | Early Release on Tuesdays at 2:25 p.m.
Every school day over 350 children cross our streets and parking lot on their way to and from school. These traffic procedures are designed to protect the safety of our children, create a predictable traffic flow, and prevent blocked streets for all residents of the Whitmore-Bolles community. Your observation of posted restrictions, cooperation with student safety volunteers, and thoughtful behavior are essential for smooth and safe traffic flow.
Please share these safety procedures with your care-givers, grandparents, and others who bring your children to and from school.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Monday thru Friday, students may be dropped off beginning 8:55 a.m. (8:35 a.m. for breakfast) and picked up when school dismisses at 3:55 p.m. There is a designated Drop-Off/ Pick-Up lane in the parking lot for those families who do not wish to park their vehicles.
When using the drop-off/ pick-up lane:
- Pull forward to the designated area
- Make sure children are ready to get out/ in the vehicle
- Have your child sit on the passenger side of the vehicle so he/ she can exit onto the sidewalk vs. parking lot
- Do not hold up the line
- Do not block traffic
- Do not double park
- Do not leave your car unattended in the drop-off/ pick-up lane
Parking: Please observe posted parking and traffic signs
School Parking Lot
- Do not park in the handicapped parking spaces unless permitted
- Parking spaces are in the center of the parking lot and available on a first come basis
- Do not create parking spaces where there are none
- Do not double park or block another car from exiting
- Please observe one-way signs for safe traffic flow
Street Parking
- Whitmore Street – Please observe all posted limits and signs. There is no parking in the Bus lane.
- Notre Dame and Williams Street – Please observe all posted limits and signs. There is no parking in the crosswalk area, and there is no parking right before the stop signs. Please keep these areas open for student traffic.
- Do not block crossways, driveways, yellow zones, or fire hydrants.
Other Safety Guidelines
- Do not make mid-block U-turns around the school, it is illegal and very dangerous.
- Do not pull into a neighbor’s driveway to turn veicle around.
- Please stop at all posted stop signs and proceed with caution when clear.
- Instruct your children to remain in monitored areas during pick-up.
- Arrive early to ease traffic congestion.
- Be courteous to your fellow parents and residents.
- Remain alert and encourage others to follow these safe driving tips.
We always encourage our Whitmore families to walk or ride their bike to school everyday!
Thank you in advance for your help with improving the safety of our children, GO EAGLES!