Whitmore-Bolles News

Information & Behavior Expectations

What is the Leader in Me?
The Leader in Me is FranklinCovey’s whole school transformation process. It teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader.

The Leader in Me is aligned with best-in-class content and concepts practiced by global education thought leaders. It provides a logical, sequential and balanced process to help schools proactively design the culture that reflects their vision of the ideal school.

Content from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a key component of the overall The Leader in Me process. The 7 Habits is a synthesis of universal, timeless principles of personal and interpersonal effectiveness, such as responsibility, vision, integrity, teamwork, collaboration and renewal, which are secular in nature and common to all people and cultures.

Click Here for a synopsis of the habits in kids’ language.

The Leader in Me is also aligned to many national and state academic standards. The process teaches students the skills needed for academic success in any setting. These skills include critical thinking, goal setting, listening and speaking, self-directed learning, presentation-making and the ability to work in groups.

“We only get one chance to prepare children for a world none of us can possibly predict, what are we going to do with that one chance?”

—Principal Muriel Summers,  A.B. Combs Elementary

Whitmore-Bolles Elementary Classroom Behavior Expectations
Classroom Rules
Within the classroom, each teacher and their students develop,  and post one set of classroom rules which support the school’s vision, mission, and rules of being safe, responsible and respectful.
Practice Behaviors
We spend the first few weeks of school practicing the expected behaviors in all environments of school. If students are struggling to remember the rules, staff reviews the expectations and has them practice the correct behavior to experience success.