Whitmore-Bolles News

Thirty-One Fundraiser for 2015-2016 Fifth Grade Camp

Mrs. Zelek, 4th grade parent and Thirty-One consultant, is hosting a Thirty-One bag fundraiser to help raise money for next year’s campers.  All profits from the sale will be donated to the 4th grade class for camp in October.

Please consider ordering for yourself, your kids, a family member or even for a friend with an upcoming birthday!

Six of the most popular ‘Thirty-One Gifts’ will be offered as part of the fundraiser.  Shipping and taxes for each item have already been calculated.  Please print and  use this form 31 Gifts, WB, Camp fundraiser to place your order and make sure to include your phone number on your order form.  Personalization or embroidery options can be viewd on-line at www.thirtyonegifts.com/catalog/personalization. Other products can be ordered as well by contacting Mrs. Zelek.

Orders with payment can be submitted in a sealed envelope through your child’s school-to-home communication folder or can be dropped off in the office by Thursday, May 21st (no school Friday, May 22nd)

Delivery of orders will take place the last week of school.

Questions can be directed to the office 827-6800

Thank you for your continued support!