Whitmore-Bolles News

The Leader in Me

The Leader in Me at Whitmore-Bolles Elementary

Whitmore-Bolles is a Leader in Me School. We received a grant from the I Am a Leader Foundation in order to implement this program within our school community. Our staff were trained in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People during June 2015.

Students at Whitmore-Bolles participate in L.E.A.D. Time each morning, participate in classroom leadership roles, and have opportunities to participate in school leadership roles, including a Student Lighthouse Team. Students regularly set WIGS (wildly important goals) and confer with staff to make plans and monitor their progress.

For more information about The Leader in Me, please contact your child’s teacher!


Parental Involvement with The Leader in Me


Parents can support The Leader in Me initiative by learning about the 7 Habits and reinforcing those habits at home. The parent guide (link below) is a great resource for families to begin practicing the 7 Habits.

Please download the Parent’s Guide (English) for ideas on implementing the 7 habits in your home.

For more information about family involvement with The Leader in Me, please contact our school.