And the results are…
- 92% feel welcome at Whitmore Bolles
- 85% feel knowledgeable about what is going on in the school
- 85% agree teachers regularly communicate with them
- 89% agree that communications are answered promptly
- 68% feel knowledgeable about school expectations for their child
- 86% feel they know how to help their child with homework
- 84% feel their child receives additional academic help when needed
- 75% have had their child’s interests identified and discussed with them
- 88% agree that Whitmore Bolles provides them with family workshops and informational events
- 82% feel they are asked for input for family workshops and informational events
- 92% agree they have opportunities to volunteer at Whitmore Bolles
- 66% feel knowledgeable about the Title I program
- 86% agree that their child has made adequate progress this year
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our family survey. We will use this information to make Whitmore Bolles an even better place for your kids and our community!