Whitmore-Bolles News

Welcome to Whitmore Bolles Elementary PTA MemberHub Site!

Whitmore Bolles Elementary PTA uses MemberHub to bring you into our school community and keep you informed and engaged with what is happening. Within our MemberHub site, you will find newsletters, signup sheets, shared calendar events, files, photos, reminders, and much more all in one place! Your information is stored securely and privately. Once you’ve joined, you will have access to various hubs that are important and specific to you and your family. You will be able manage your profile, your family, communication preferences, and download the MemberHub iPhone or Android app. Simply follow the instructions below to get started. Thanks and welcome to MemberHub!

MemberHub can be only accessed if you are a PTA member.  Please note that it may take a couple days for the payment and membership form to actually get to us for processing. Thank you!

Create Your Password

If you have never logged in to MemberHub follow these steps to create your password:

  1. Visit https://wbollespta.memberhub.com
  2. Type in your email address
  3. Choose the option that says I need to create my password
  4. Click the Next button
  5. Check your inbox for the email verification then follow the steps contained therein