Greetings Whitmore Families,
As the cold weather season begins please keep the following in mind when sending your child to school:
The guidelines we use to determine if students will go outside for recess or have inside line-up for arrival are a combined temperature and wind-chill of below 20 degrees. Therefore, if the weather is below 20 degrees, students will remain inside for recess and we will allow students to line up inside the building starting at 8:55AM. Also, please remember for breakfast, students may enter the building through the Main Office doors no earlier than 8:35AM
- Students should bring a light weight jacket or sweater to wear in class in case they get cold, especially if they are wearing short sleeves.
- Students are asked not to wear their winter coats in class. They overheat and sweat, and then go outside, which breeds germs and is unhealthy.
- We go outside for recess even in winter, so students should dress accordingly, including a hat and gloves/mittens.
- If there is snow on the ground students must stay on the blacktop unless they are wearing snow pants and boots.
- Please make sure all of your child’s winter wear is labeled with his/her name on the inside.