We are excited to invite you to Open House on August 23rd! This is a wonderful opportunity to meet your teachers, explore classrooms, and connect with friends. We hope to see everyone there! It’s a fantastic time to get acquainted with the school environment, learn about the upcoming school year, get involved with our PTA, and ask any questions you may have. Mark your calendars and join us for an afternoon of fun and information as we kick off the new school year together.
Class rosters will be posted on Friday, August 23 at 1:30 PM, the start of Open House. Rosters will be displayed on the glass windows on the doors at Mission Point (back of the school). All Open House visitors are asked to enter through these doors.
We know that teacher assignments are sensitive for all and want to assure you that we take the classroom placement process very seriously. We consider a variety of factors when making these decisions, including the academic needs of each student, their social and emotional development, behaviors, strengths, needs and challenges. We also consult with prior teachers and other staff members to get their input. Moving one child creates a domino effect. Principal Hammoud will not accept parent requests and we do not anticipate moving any child into another class than what they have been assigned.
Please see the suggested supply list of essentials your little scholars will need.
Happy shopping! 🛒